Without further ado ToddBlog is proud to present:
Star Struck - An Evening With Cere.

ToddBlog: Cere, it has been brought to our attention that you have had a major impact n the modification community. Is this true?
Cere: Of course its true. Until I came along most people who were into "tattooing" were just recreating imagery in a game of one-upmanship. There weren't any real artists with vision to push boundaries. I was the first to really show that tattoo ART (which i have essentially created) could be used to express ideas. Even if many of those ideas are far beyond the ability of most to comprehend it still touches them on an basic level. Never before has anyone been as influential as I.
pictured above: Cere
ToddBlog: I'm sure that being one of the more recognizable faces within this community comes with it's own level of "celebrity status". Has this status changed your everyday life?
Cere: Oh it hasn't really. I mean, sure, its hard going through airports now with all the teeming fans asking me for autographs, but really, who can blame them? And sorting through all the fan mail and woman asking me to bed them just so they can say they were ravaged by someone of my status is endearing but really my day to day life is the same. Im still a really humble person for someone who is so better then everyone else.

ToddBlog: Would you say that you use this status to further the modification industry?
Cere: Absolutely not. The modification industry is essentially stagnant and needs to die. Sure, there are some people out there that i admire, like the amazing Shawn O Hare who is constantly pushing the boundary, but i find the modification scene is filled with far too many hacks like Cameron from Virginia. If only the world was filled with individuals like MikeNite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then truly the scene would be vastly furthered.

ToddBlog: Its has also been brought to our attention that you are quite the tattoo artist. Any advice to those looking to break into the tattoo industry?
Cere: Yes. Simple advice is don't. You'll never be better then I am. I mean really, as I've been quoted before, there are really only 2 great artists in existence. Myself and Mother Nature. The rest shouldn't attempt. Because in the words of Ricky Bobby, "If you're not first, you're last". Actually I personally think even mother nature shouldn't try anymore. I mean with me as competition you might as well just hope that i will acknowledge you.

ToddBlog: A little while back you had mentioned how humble you are. We can clearly see that you are speaking the truth with that statement. Do you find it hard to be so humble, given you're celebrity status?
Cere: Not at all. See in order for my celebrity status to affect me in any way mentally, id have to actually value the opinions of others. See its one thing when you are faced with the views of your peers. Seeing as I have none, really the opinions of those who are nowhere near the level of greatness that i am, well they don't matter. So its easy for me to be humble, for the simple fact that no one out there can really appreciate how great I truly am.
ToddBlog: Your tattooing is constantly gaining popularity within the modification community, is there some sort of message that goes along with it?
Cere: Yes.

ToddBlog: You mention admiring artists like Shawn O Hare and Mike Nite, any chance we may see some sort of collaborative work between you and one of these individuals?
Cere: Unfortunately not. Although Id love to work alongside Mike, I've tried corresponding with him a few times online and it turns out he doesn't read or write English. He actually cant read or write at all. He just mashes the keys and gibberish comes out on the keyboard. At first I thought he speaking some hidden language, but it turned out that NO ONE knew what he was writing. As for Shawn, well if he can ever get some free time! I mean, between blowing his apprentice and looking for new ways to disfig... ummm, i mean modify people, he's a very busy man!
ToddBlog: Well Cere, it truly has been an honor to be able to talk with you. And with this interview coming to a close, do you have any final statements for our readers?
Cere: Yes. I prefer it if you don't look at me while blowing me. Pay more attention to the cock.
*Editors note*
Although we at ToddBlog realize that Cere is always right, because he is perfect. The opinions in this article are not the opinions of ToddBlog. Even if they are most likely true, because Cere said so.
This is awesome and amazing.
ReplyDeleteWell i was a big Fan of The Cere but this interview makes the fate only stronger
ReplyDeleteI've know Cere for quite a few years and we are (as I would like to think) very close friends and colleagues.
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't until I read this interview that I was hit w/ the staggering truth: I should, in fact, stop tattooing.
I can never hope to attain 1/100 of the pure, heartfelt, truly artistic production of tattooing that Cere conjures so effortlessly. Believe me, he puts absolutely ZERO effort into tattooing. It is an innate force which flows through him.
I will, henceforth, be closing my shop and leaving the tattoo booth "as-is" in an eternal shrine to the legendary Cere who has been so kind as to work out of my booth on occasion.
Brian Decker (of such fame as being friends w/ Cere, watching the work of Cere, and sitting in the same room w/ Cere) will continue to work downstairs.
If I send Mike NiIte Rosetta Stone, then can we expect an amazing collaboration?
ReplyDeletePerhaps he could share some insight on how he does those amazing suture jobs.